We are in 814 BC on this date, it is said, but we prefer not to insist too much on this fact since even the experts do not agree, the mythical city of Carthage is founded.

It was founded by the “happy” Phoenicians of Tire who, sailing, sailing, pulling from here and pulling beyond, ended up on the coasts of present-day Tunisia and there they camped casually, building the first cardboard houses and that is why they called the city “Carthage “, Or city of paper.

At the head of these shipwrecked there was a rather plump woman, or rather no, I would say Elissa, who had a gigantic toe on her foot and therefore the legend of this queen of the paper city that was called Dido spread across the seas and coasts of the Mediterranean.

From the police archives, however, we have recovered a different information with respect to how things went, it is thought, in fact, that the brother of Dido, quite rascal, whose name which in itself was a whole program, Pygmalion, so called not so much for what it can mean today but because he had the mania to wear sweaters to his pigs, to protect them from the cold … well this brother, it is said, killed Dido’s husband to take possession of his wealth and so, the poor sister with nothing left in canna began to wander around the Mediterranean until he landed there where, as an acute resident of Tire … he threw a nasty joke on the leader of the local inhabitants named Larba, who moved by compassion told him that he could occupy a piece of land but only if contained in an ox hide.

The clever Dido cut that skin into very fine strips that allowed her to carve out a huge territory in which there could be a city, precisely Carthage.

Beyond the gimmick, it is also necessary to reflect on the size of the oxen present at the time, because we also allow a very fine cut, but it was necessary to obtain an area of ​​such a species, as we are not zootechnical specialists, we leave this question and reflection to those of competence. .

It should be added that in this case the crafty queen went down in history but also met a miserable end, she was forced to marry the barbarian Larba who may have been foolish with the story of the ox skin but was not completely stupid and asked to marry her. handsome young Dido, net of the big toe.

At the moment, the queen, she had to accept her but then she, seized by a surge of dignity, she struck herself in the chest with a dagger before the wedding.

It should be noted that, in the Aeneid, she is also given in marriage to the Trojan fugitive Aeneas who, however, one fine day left her and left on his journey to Lazio, where he was promised quite another fame and even in that case, Dido, she killed herself with grief for the departure of the bridegroom; therefore we can assert that, in any case, Dido had a bad end, in one way or another, by committing suicide.

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