Smmu-Ramat or better known as Semiramide. This world-unknown name refers to the Assyrian queen who in 811 BC. she was the wife of the Assyrian king Shamshiadad V and regent of his son Adadnirari III.

It is worth mentioning this character who was lost in the memory of humanity but who for that time had a particular charm.

It is said of her as an unbridled lustful and incestuous woman (for the relations she had with the son of which she was regent).

It appears that she was the daughter of the Goddess Derceto and of a Syrian, Caistro, she was married several times and during her regency she conquered Media, Egypt and Ethiopia but above all she had the walls and the famous hanging gardens built in Babylon, one of the seven wonders of antiquity.

With her libertinage she became the symbol of the degeneration that accompanied Babylon in history and the queen deserved, in this way, to be slipped into her hell by Dante, Boccaccio mentions her as lustful and cruel, Rossini makes her the protagonist in an opera.

Great way to become famous and stay in history!

She was so mad that she took her kingdom of hers to war against the kingdom of Urartu only because she fell in love with their King and she found this “strange device” to be able to bring him at least in battle.

The sources do not agree in giving news about her death (some think she is still alive …) but certainly she did not die of old age, she would not have endured it and therefore we believe it is right to credit a premature suicide after having ascertained that she was no longer able to catch men.

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