When a new century begins, it is imperative to take stock of the situation, not so much for the sake of detail or knowledge but for moral duty.

It is necessary to cite secondary facts, so to speak, which in normality do not make the news and not because they do not deserve the right consideration but in the tortuous logic of the historical narration, these facts do not add much … in short, nobody gives a damn.

Irreverent? Perhaps, ungenerous? Also, minimalists? Mashed potato.

So let’s get carried away by this useless news and may boredom be with you …

In the kingdom of Judah, which someone claims never existed, but that if it did exist it was a kingdom of traitors who also sold their mother for thirty denarii, commands a certain Amaziah, despite having no particular news it is not difficult to imagine how criminal he was and murderer and what an environment of terror he created in the kingdom.

Singular is also the name that at first reading we would say was of a woman and instead it was a man, we do not know if this apparently feminine name was the sign and clue of something that at the time, perhaps, it was not politically correct to name it for what it really was.

Meanwhile in Greece the peoples of the Ionians, Aeolians and Dorians, of which we have well described in the past and we do not intend to repeat ourselves (indirectly encouraging you to read the previous articles), emulating, or rather, copying what in the meantime was happening in Athens and Sparta, they transform their settlements into Polis, also called city-states.

Meanwhile the happy Phoenicians, running around the Mediterranean, settle and create new colonies and thus, among others, Cadiz and Cagliari are born.

This beginning of the century also sees the unification of the Phrygian kingdom with the capital Gordium, which we will talk about later but in the meantime we can see that history begins to expand its horizon to ever more new lands and what was the center of news and of interest in history was no longer the beloved and mysterious ancient Egypt, now no longer in fashion and relegated to a secondary role … waiting for the chickens of that henhouse to wake up with their pharaohs, the attentions will they move slowly westward in the Greek world.

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