Finally! Finally we begin to take a look at yearnings for life and curious ideas, even from our home, which until then had remained somewhat silent, sleepy, a spectator of the lively peoples who made their deeds talk about the world.

Apart from the Etruscans, which we have already given ample space previously, other peoples graze and overlook the beautiful country and we give a quick nod so that no one can hold a grudge against us.

From central to southern Italy, different areas are the creators of stories and peoples that, in one way or another, still characterize these places today. We mention among these:

The Umbrians, a people located in the center of the peninsula and characterized by their need to stay in the shade because they suffered from various skin irritations in the sun, perhaps they were all bald, in which case this phobia was amply justified.

The Sabelli, narcissus people who boasted of being particularly attractive and were hated by the neighboring peoples, probably envious, because “they distracted their women”.

The Osci, skinny people all “skin and oscia”, great craftsmen and blacksmiths, known for their production of fixtures, so much so that even today the doors can be called “exits”

The Samnites, a people characterized by a small but very religious stature and excellent moral rectitude, so much so that they were identified by other peoples as a people of saints, but being small, they became Samnites, in fact.

Other peoples, going south, found space for their characteristics …

The Apuli, well-known bee farmers and honey producers, a people who were absolutely honored by their other neighbors who did not want to irritate them at all, having a damned fear that, by irritating them, they would hurl their armies of bees at them.

The Lucanians, a people where everyone was called Luca and who loved dogs, also producers of a special liqueur which, however, will be enhanced a few centuries later.

The Piceni, a small people, of dwarves, but particularly quarrelsome and thanks to their aesthetic conformation, able to slip anywhere.

In the south, then, the first Greek colonies were created:

Metaponto on the Ionian, known for a bridge built halfway and never finished, the infrastructural vices are of ancient origin, the progenitor of a tradition of infrastructures that began and never ended that can still be seen in the area today (as you can see, it is absolutely false to to trace this vice to the people of the south, in reality this was inherited by the Greeks).

Pitacusa on the island of Ischia, a city known for giving life to the first courts and the advent of the first prosecutors.

In the following years, then, we record Cuma and Caulonia, the first populated by a considerable number of people with hearing problems, so much so that each sentence was preceded by a “How?”, While the other by very, excessively cautious people .

To distinguish these populations from the Italic ones, perhaps due to culinary excesses, they were called “Magna Grecia” or more often “Italioti” which reveals an underlying sense of low intellectual consideration on the part of the indigenous peoples.

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