In Egypt, especially in Thebes, around 760 BC. begins a tradition that will last a few centuries and that highlights the emancipation of women, especially if the pharaoh’s wives or sisters, because the others were always and in any case slaves and submissives.

The title of Divine Spouse of Amon was invented for these illustrious and important women, which placed them at the apex of power as wives of the god Amon and therefore almost as important as the pharaoh.

We know that in reality (we have often emphasized this) the true power of the pharaoh was determined by the woman he had beside him, be it his mother, wife, sister, daughter or even a lover.

Therefore nothing new under the sun, but the mere fact of having given so much official divine title to these women, seals, if not overtaking, but gender alignment in the pharaonic court.

In truth, wearing this title, the divine bride could afford anything and, in fact, in the region of Thebes, she ruled instead of the pharaoh.

She also controlled the tepli of the god Amon and she could be compared to a sort of Popess of their time, issuing behavioral and moral laws and indications…. But also immoral to justify their inevitable pranks.

In the past there had been something similar and, in fact, the divine spouses of Amon replace that First Prophet of Amon who was often at the center of disputes, plots and shady affairs among the pharaohs of different dynasties.

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