We have already had the opportunity to speak of the brave Aeneas who, fleeing from Troy, lands in Italy. Here at this point we can focus on the legend of Aeneas in Italy.

We say legend to allow us to tell freely but I would not discard a priori that much of what we are narrating has really happened.

So here comes the brave Aeneas, disembarks, looks around, he likes the climate, he likes the food and then he decides to settle in the area.

It is not clear if he knew where he was but we know that he had landed on the beaches of Lazio, in Italy; therefore, since he was happy, he moved to those parts, founding his own city.

The King of the Aborigines of that time, a certain Latino, who came to know of this illustrious foreigner who arrived in his area, wanted to keep him good, (after all they were peaceful populations) also because he was preceded by a rather warlike fame.

Therefore, since he was rumored that the Trojans were famous in taking away the women of others, he wanted to prevent this situation and gave him his daughter named Lavinia in marriage. Aeneas appreciated this gift and to demonstrate it, in honor of his wife, he called his new city, precisely, Lavinia.

Aeneas, however, was not lucky with women, in fact, as you will remember, because of Elena, he lost his city and is now as wife Lavinia, without being warned that, previously, she had been betrothed to Turnus, King of the Rutuli, a strange character, of a strange people, who take turns rolling on the ground.

All things considered it was understandable that the Latin King had preferred Aeneas to the dirty one, but this was not the opinion of Turnus who, angry, asked the Etruscan ally Mesenzio to help him sweep away these foreigners and a conflict arose, this time, won by Aeneas, that he was by now an expert in such situations and that during which both Turnus and Latino die.

Aeneas, therefore, the winner, also assumes command of the Aborigines and from that moment a single people was born who were commonly called Latins, in honor of the father-in-law who disappeared.

On the death of Aeneas, because even the heroes die, the throne passes to his son Ascanio who wanted to expand further and founded another city with the name of Alba Longa.

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