From the legendary arrival of Aeneas in Lazio, taking a few steps further, or rather a few following generations, not satisfied with the previous legends, we come across the most famous legend, that of Romulus and Remus which if it had not been invented, and maybe it is so , we would not enjoy the fascination aroused by this incredible and improbable story.

In short, otherwise we would get lost in the mists of time, we find ourselves in the Italian region of Lazio in what was the most prominent city in that area, or Alba Longa.

As legitimate King of Alba Longa there was a certain Numitor, who had a younger brother named Amulius, the latter very ambitious, who had his brother killed and also his son, or his nephew, relegating Numitor’s beautiful daughter, Rhea Silvia , in a convent as a vestal virgin, thus guaranteeing herself the throne.

Rea Silvia, a beautiful woman, comparable to the current models, united (a courtly way of saying that they made plin plin) nothing less than the god Mars.

From the union of these beautiful subjects, twins Romulus and Remus were born.

Amulius, then, became worried and fearing that the legitimate descendants of his ousted brother, Numitor, could one day take back the throne, he had the two children kidnapped and abandoned them in a basket on the banks of the Tiber.

I say if you have to do a job, do it well and get it done, but ironically the two babies survived.

In fact, a depressed she-wolf who passed by (she could only be depressed otherwise she would have had a single mouthful) heard their moan and nursed them and took pity on them, bringing them to the door of the house of a shepherd named Faustolo who, with his wife, Acca Laurentia, (the name acca seems to derive from the degree of ignorance of the woman who does not seem to understand an “acca”, in fact) not being able to have children, she adopted them.

I don’t know if you realize,  I would like to make a small summary of the situation:

A god fucks a model, the two children born of these lovers are abandoned and it takes a depressed she-wolf, and a married couple who could not have children and who lived in the middle of nowhere so that a city can be born that will become the beacon of the world !!!

The two children, therefore, grew up and when they were big, it is not clear how and why, someone told them what had happened and they, angry, threw themselves against their uncle Amulio and took back the throne.

Memories of their childhood, they returned to the area of ​​Faustolo’s house and there they founded a new city called ROME.

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